Where technology meets art

detail image of tape reel-master tape copies from international phonographic inc.png

Oboe and Orchestra, June 1980 — Echternach, Luxembourg

Capturing an orchestra on tape is a difficult undertaking. Whether to to mic every section of the musicians so as to capture every detail up close or to move back, simplify the number of microphones and represent what the audience hears, is always the dilemma. In this case, the later perspective was chosen. And rightfully so. Here we have one of the finest of European orchestras captured in a large church in Luxembourg playing both Teleman and LeClair. The oboist, Heinz Holliger, is obviously a master. Recorded at 30ips using just two B&K instrument microphones and a Studer/Levinson ML5, A80 tape recorder, the captivating sound in the church is expansive and natural, reflecting the beauty of the performance and music. If you love classical music naturally recorded this is for you.

Oboe And Orchestra